FANNECTOR is monitoring and storing all fan activities that occur on the platform. This data is accumulated and transformed into a personal profile for each fan. The personal profile lets sport clubs understand their fans and enables them to anticipate on personal needs and interests. Sport clubs can stop spamming their fans with generic emails and create personal targeted email marketing campaigns which significantly increases their revenue.
Interacting with your fans at the right moment and with the right message is crucial to successful sports marketing. FANNECTOR provides the possibility to define marketing campaigns to individual fans based on customizable triggers. When a fan activity triggers a certain campaign, they will immediately receive a highly relevant message via an email or mobile push notifications.
Internet enables fans to connect with sport clubs continuously. Using FANNECTOR’s desktop version and mobile App to always be available, sport clubs will cater to the needs of modern fans. Utilizing the personalized email marketing campaigns and mobile push notifications will increase commercial opportunities and revenue for both sponsors and your sports club.
Let us show you how powerful automated data-driven sports marketing can be
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